Dr. Christie Manasco on Rural Health Leadership Radio

Nurse staffing shortages is a hot topic, not just in rural America, but everywhere, making nurse education ever more important. Educating nurses and preparing them to take care of the members of their community requires educational leadership. Hear how one nurse educator is making a difference in rural Tennessee as we talk about educational challenges and generational differences. We are having that discussion with Dr. Christie Manasco, Assistant Professor at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, College of Nursing.

Building Community Networks to Improve Heart Health in Rural Communities

The Rural health Association hosts a webinar in collaboration with the American Heart Association titled: Building Community Networks to Improve Heart Health in Rural Communities on February 23, 2022 at 10:00am-11:00am CST. Our guest speakers are Brenda Miller and Kacie Kennedy and they are both with the American Heart Association.                                    

Learning Objectives:                                                                                                                                                                  1. Recognize the components that define heart health and strategies that help improve heart health.                                    2. Identify patient and community resources to promote heart health.                                                                        3. Increase knowledge of growing networks within the rural community to grow impact to improve heart health.  

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National Rural Health Day on Capitol Hill

Rural Health Association of Tennessee members met with several of Tennessee’s federal Congressmen, Congresswomen, and staffs on Wednesday, February 9th.

Topics of conversation ranged from discussing the 340B drug program, Rural Health Clinic Modernization Act, and the importance of programs such as the National Health Service Corp and the Rural Communities Opioid Response Program (R-CORP)

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Health Equity, Poverty, and Rural Resilience Webinar

The Rural Health Association of Tennessee is excited to announce our webinar on "Health Equity, Poverty, and Rural Resilience" by Michael Meit, who serves as Director of Research and Programs for the East Tennessee State University Center for Rural Health Research.

This session will highlight what is known about rural health inequities and how they vary by rural geographic region, describe health inequities in Tennessee, present measures of rural prosperity that can help us to understand factors of risk and resilience in our rural communities, and highlight rural strengths and assets that can be leveraged to improve rural community health and well-being. Join us on March 11, 2022 at 10:00am.

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Radon and Lung Cancer in Tennessee

Radon and Lung Cancer in Tennessee 

If you missed our webinar on "Radon and Lung Cancer in Tennessee" with Lexi Brown and Bruce Snead, don't worry! A recording of the webinar is available, along with resources shared. 

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Healthcare in Appalachia Conference

The University of Tennessee Graduate School of Medicine and The University of Kentucky Healthcare CE Central are hosting a conference titled "Healthcare in Appalachia: Practical Approaches to Addressing the Unique Needs of our Region" in Pigeon Forge on April 28-30, 2022.

Approximately 25.7 million people live in the Appalachian region of the United States (U.S.) Forty-two percent of the region’s population lives in rural areas, compared with only 20% of the nation. This region has historically been plagued with unique healthcare needs and poor health outcomes.

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NRHA Policy Institute

The National Rural Health Association's 33rd Annual Policy Institute has moved to a virtual platform! 

Join us on February 8-10 for the NRHA's Policy Institute to learn more about policy and have a chance to advocate for the issues you care about. Prices have dropped as the event has moved to a virtual platform. This is a great opportunity if you haven't been able to make it to D.C. in the past. Join other staff and members of Rural Health Association of Tennessee to advocate for the policies that effect you! A tentative schedule can be found here.

Find out more information and register 

CDC releases "Rural Considerations for Vaccine Confidence and Uptake Strategies"

CDC releases "Rural Considerations for Vaccine Confidence and Uptake Strategies"

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has released another COVID-related rural resource that may be of interest. A “Rural Considerations” addendum was recently added to its field guide for conducting a Rapid Community Assessment (RCA). An RCA is a process for quickly collecting community insights about a public health issue in order to inform program design. The assessment involves reviewing existing data and conducting community-based interviews, listening sessions, observations, social listening, and surveys. In addition to the rural considerations addendum, the

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Jessica Zimmerman on Rural Health Leadership Radio

Rural Medical Centers has clinics located in mountains where there is no internet or cell service, and in the middle of a tomato field. As you might imagine, they have a few challenges providing healthcare services. You can listen to a very interesting conversation with Jessica Zimmerman and Alexis Andino who are both with Rural Medical Services in East Tennessee.

 Listen on Rural Health Leadership Radio


NHSC Funding Opportunity-- Deadline Feb 3, 2022

The following is from the National Association of Rural Health Clinics
Significantly Increased NHSC Funding Offers Major Provider Recruiting Opportunity for RHCs in Current HPSAs

The National Health Service Corps (NHSC) has received significantly increased funding this cycle which creates increased opportunity for rural health clinics (RHCs) to qualify for NHSC programs. The expectation for the current cycle of NHSC funding is that sites even in very low HPSAs may be able to qualify for NHSC programs. This is an excellent opportunity to recruit and retain providers in your community that you do not want to miss.

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COVID Testing Supplies from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

From the CDC: January 3, 2022 Monday Feature: Testing Supply Inquiries 

CDC, ASPR, and the HHS Testing and Diagnostics Workgroup (TDWG) offer the following information and programs to partners interested in federal government support for testing.  

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Updated K-12 Quarantine and Isolation Guidance

The following information was an update made by the CDC on January 6, 2022: The CDC has updated guidance for K-12 schools to align with the updated quarantine and isolation guidance.

Quarantine is a strategy used to prevent transmission of COVID-19 by keeping people who have been in close contact with someone with COVID-19 apart from others. Isolation is used to separate people with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 from those without COVID-19.

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New CDC guidance for Pfizer vaccinated

Today the CDC Director issued two COVID-19 related recommendations following actions by the FDA:

  • people who received the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine as their primary series are recommended to get a booster after 5 instead of 6 months
  • moderately or severely immunocompromised 5–11-year-olds should receive an additional primary dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine 28 days after their second shot. 

The media statement released this morning is below.  The FDA action authorizing booster shots for children ages 12-15 will be discussed at an ACIP meeting scheduled for Jan 5.  When available,  we will communicate CDC’s decision. Providers are reminded to wait for the CDC recommendation before administering booster shots to this age group.  

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Report on Behavioral Health Workforce

Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (TDMHSAS) and TennCare convened the  Tennessee Public Behavioral Health Workforce Workgroup in June 2021. Serving as convenors and facilitators of this workgroup, the agencies gathered a diverse group of stakeholders and professionals, each of whom was uniquely positioned to provide insight to this critical issue. This report represents the work of the Public Behavioral Health Workforce Workgroup and proposes short-term and long-term strategies that directly address recruitment and retention opportunities that can be implemented by local behavioral health providers, colleges and universities, and various Tennessee State Government Departments.

Pages 17 and 18 name replication of RHA's Apprenticeship program as a key strategy for promoting public behavioral health careers.

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COVID-19 Surveillance and Variants; Exploring how to prevent COVID

Rural Health Association of Tennessee and it's partners at The Tennessee Justice Center hosts a webinar with the Tennessee Department of Health on COVID-19 Surveillance and Variants; Exploring how to prevent COVID-19, January 13, 2022 at 10:00am-11:00am CST.

Participants will hear from Dr. Magdalena Dorvil-Joanem, with the COVID 19 Enhanced Surveillance Outreach Lead for the Tennessee Department of Health. Our discussion will aim to summarize recent data trends of COVID-19 transmission in Tennessee, variants and prevention of transmission. 

2022 NHSC Loan Repayment Programs

NOW OPEN - 2022 NHSC Loan Repayment Programs

Application closes on
February 3, 2022, at 7:30 PM ET

A historic $800 million in American Rescue Plan funding will allow HRSA to award more applicants than ever before. Last year, every eligible applicant received an award.

About the programs:

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Radon and Lung Cancer in Tennessee

The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation considers radon to be a very serious problem in our state. No matter where you live in Tennessee, there is the potential for radon to enter your home. Radon gas has been identified as the second leading cause of lung cancer, second only to cigarette smoking. 

If you would like to learn more about Radon and receive resources to have or share. Please register to attend our webinar by clicking here.

COVID-19 Vaccine Reimbursement Guidelines

Please see the following links provided by the Department of Health Office of Minority Health for the COVID-19 vaccine invoice reimbursement guidelines for the community-based vaccine activities.  Also, attached please find the invoice template, invoice example and personnel expense template that organizations will need to complete and submit for reimbursement. 

The organization that is submitting for reimbursement will need to be setup as a vendor with the State of Tennessee first.  A blank W-9 form is attached and a hand signature is required. 

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Erica Johnson-Locket on Rural Health Leadership Radio

After working in various parts of the country, Erica Johnson-Locket fulfilled her promise to the elders of her community and returned home. That “homegrown kid” is now the Chief Nursing Officer of Bolivar General Hospital in Bolivar, TN. 


Listen on Rural Health Leadership Radio

TELADOC and Health Advocate benefit webinar

Medical/Behavioral Telehealth Options: 

Removing the barriers of access, stigma of care, and cost of treatment are of paramount importance.  Whether you are charged with delivering healthcare to the uninsured public or providing a low-cost benefit to help recruit and retain employees (especially those who are part-time, unbenefited, or cannot afford group health plans), you need answers.  It sounds impossible that you could help solve that problem for as little as $10/mo/family, but it is possible - with TELADOC and Health Advocate.

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