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January RHC Network Lunch and Learn: Unlocking the Potential of CCM: How Care Coordination Transforms Patient Care and Clinic Revenue
Wednesday, January 15, 2025, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CST
Category: Events

With the ever-changing landscape and expansion of Chronic Care Management (CCM) for Rural Health Clinics (RHCs), the possibilities are incredible for both patients and clinics. Listen in as Kristen Ogden, RN, Director of Quality Improvement with The Compliance Team, shares her journey—full of challenges, errors, and successes—that led to a CCM program which improved patient outcomes and provided financial benefits to the clinics she served. Listeners will: Understand the importance of care coordination and follow-up, Gain a better understanding of the various services your clinic can provide and bill for, Attain actionable steps to implement and sustain a successful care coordination program  

Presenter: Kristen Ogden, RN, Director of Quality Improvement, The Compliance Team

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