TennCare Tri-Star Campaign

TennCare is beginning a Tri Star Campaign to test the member addresses they  have on file. THIS WILL NOT AFFECT ANYONE’S COVERAGE. As they continue to prepare for the public health emergency unwinding (HHS Secretary Beccera renewed the PHE on 10/13/22), they want to make sure the addresses that TennCare has are accurate. Over the next two months, TennCare will send out a letter to each household. They will be asking people to be on the lookout for the letter and to notify us if they don’t receive a letter in the next two months. Additionally, TennCare will be conducting research on mail that is returned without a forwarding address.


What should members look for?

Attached is a sample of what the letter will look like.

When will they receive the letter?

Some Tristar letters were sent out this week, and we will continue sending out letters to more members throughout the next two months.

Will they have to complete any action if they receive the letter?

No. They just need to be on the lookout to make sure they receive it.

What if someone doesn’t receive the letter by mid-December?

They should immediately contact TennCare by calling 855-259-0701 or update their address on TennCare Connect.

What can you (advocates) do?

If TennCare members reach out to you, please let them know about the campaign. We will also be posting information on our social media accounts, so feel free to repost!

Will anyone not receive a letter?

Anyone receiving SSI because their addresses are administered by the social security administration.

Public Health Emergency- Ways to Partner

Thank you for visiting the Stakeholder Public Health Emergency (PHE) webpages. When we move into phase II, we will post additional resources to the phase II page. If you have not already done so, would you consider ways to partner with TennCare during the unwinding? Here is a form you can fill out to let them know what you are able to do: https://stateoftennessee.formstack.com/forms/tenncare_phe_outreach

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